Expanding a Gollum Wiki’s Columns

I have used gollum as a personal wiki, particularly for project notes, for a number of years, but it has long bothered me that the width of the primary wiki window does not expand as my browser window expands. While examining the css the other day, I finally realized that the max-width of the wrapper…

My First Google Script

This is my first simple Google script. In practice, this script is really is a simple JavaScript app which is being hosted by Google instead of inside a regular web server. It runs on a simple timer, sends an http request to a static html file, parses for elements, selects one at random, and posts…

A Note on Calculating Normals

The easy way to compute proper vertex-based normals for indexed sets is to set all the normals to [0, 0, 0], then, for every triangle calculate it’s normal and simply do a vector add of the calculate tri normal to the normal for each vertex associated with the triangle. When all the triangles are traversed,…

Running Headless W/ OpenGL under X11

I use a number of machines during the day including four, a windows workstation, a linux workstation, a mac mini, and a mac MacBook Pro. I know, in this day and age, there are a number of ways to eliminate boxes. I can dual boot or run VMs, but there are often times that I…

Happy New Year

Like many of you I suspect, the fall has always felt like the beginning of a new year more than January 1. I suspect this is because for anyone in school or has kids in school, this time of year so clearly marks a new beginning. For me, it’s because the fall always designated the…

Elastic Wave Propagation Simulation

This is an image from an elastic wave propagation simulation. Brian Sumner wrote the simulation on an SGI server. I wrote the visualization component. We designed a shared memory transport/communication protocol for the IPC. Here are a few more images

Hurricane Isabel Rendering

This is a rendering of rainfall from Hurricane Isabel. This is not a time-based rendering; notice that the eye does not move. Rather this is an animation of the visualization of rainfall rates at one particular moment in time. More information for Hurricane Isabel can be found at: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/2003isabel.shtml http://science1.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2003/18sep_isabel/ http://www4.ncsu.edu/~nwsfo/storage/cases/20030918/isabel.hurricane.track.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Isabel Data is courtesy…